Thursday 9 November 2023

Advertising case study 1: OMO print advert


1) What year was the advert produced?
In 1955 

2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s?
they were presented to be house wife's and mothers 
3) What typography can be found in the advert and what connotations might this have?
You can see sans serif modern to
4) What does the costume, make-up and placement of the model (mise-en-scene) suggest about women's role in society in 1955?

5) Why is a picture of the product added to the bottom right of the advert?

6) What are the connotations of the chosen colours in this advert - red, white and blue?

7) How does the anchorage text use persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product? Give examples.
they use it to repetition to target audience.
8) What representation of women can be found in this OMO advert? Make specific reference to the advert and discuss stereotypes.

Foundation Media Summer Project 2023


Double page spread feature conventions: What conventions or typical features can you find on the double page spread features you have researched?  
The image will go across the two pages or be on one with the writing on the other side

Image analysis:
 What do you notice about the use of images? How are they laid out on the page? How does the mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) create meanings for the audience?  They made the picture big o let the people who see the magazine and the writing is small but tells us about the barned or what is the happing to famous people and what drama is going one 

Representations: What representations can you find in these features?  a publication that is issued periodically

Additional research: optional extension
Depending on your coursework plan and the type of magazine you wish to create, you may want to research additional magazine covers and features. Focus on the lifestyle genre of magazines and try to find titles that are aimed at rich or successful audiences. 

Whatever you research, make sure you write some additional notes or bullet points about these magazines on your blog so you are documenting your research.

2) Magazine planning 

Plan out the title and cover star for your new, original lifestyle magazine. 

Complete this Magazine planning document with your NEW original idea for a lifestyle magazine aimed at rich and successful people. Copy and paste the questions from the Google doc into your blog. 

Magazine planning document

Our coursework task involves coming up with our own idea for a NEW magazine aimed at a rich and successful audience – a little bit like Tatler. Plan your own, original NEW magazine using the questions below. Fill in the following details:

Front cover

Magazine title: GLOW

Slogan: "Don't let people make u feel down" or "feel the GLOW"

Price: £2-6

Main cover image: My friend who will be the model in my front cover of my magazine and be the main Person of my magazine

Main cover story (note brief: ‘a person of importance who would appeal to a rich and successful audience’): Cover lines for your magazine cover – other stories that would appear in the magazine: 

To show that people can be on the magazine and show where they are from and you can still be in the front cover of the magazine even what race or where they are from

Double page spread feature

Details of interview with person of importance:  To show how people from different places feel about not really seeing people from the same place are not in the front cover of the magazine

Headline: My Glow

Subheading: how I show my glow

Stand first (first paragraph of story): to show what they model feels and can they feel amazing and "glow" and how they can show it to other people

What interview will be about: about fashion where the model is from and what is happing

Plan for original images (need FOUR in total across double page spread): 

Thursday 2 November 2023

Year 11 Paper 1 assessment: Learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

(Q3) analysing the unseen media advert Good knowledge f Convention (Q1+Q2)

2) Look at the mark scheme for this assessment. For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative
 content in the mark scheme to identify three points that you could have referred to in your answer.
• Satisfactory analysis of the product that engages with obvious or
more straightforward aspects of the narrative of the television
advert with satisfactory reference to the CSP.
• Satisfactory use of the theoretical framework that demonstrates a
general understanding of how narratives are used to convey
messages to audience; some accurate application of narrative
• Occasional appropriate use of subject terminology throughout.

3) For Question 3 (Galaxy - narrative features) use the mark scheme to write down the main narrative theories and how we can link them to the Galaxy advert CSP. 
Good use of the theoretical framework that demonstrates an
accurate understanding of how narratives are used to convey
messages to audience; mostly accurate application of narrative

4) Now look at Question 4 - Tatler and social/cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made in your answer here.
• Excellent knowledge and understanding of contexts and their
influence on media products and processes, demonstrated by
consistently effective explanation of how magazine covers reflect
the social and cultural contexts in which they were created.
• Consistently appropriate and effective reference to Tatler magazine
• Specialist terminology is used appropriately and effectively

5) On Section B, focus on Question 7 - film industry and Black Widow. Use the mark scheme to identify three ways Black Widow was marketed to its audience.
• Excellent knowledge and understanding of the theoretical
framework, demonstrated by consistently effective explanation of
how big-budget films and marketed and promoted.
• Consistently appropriate and effective reference to the CSP.
• Consistently appropriate and effective use of subject specific
terminology throughout.

6) Finally, write down three things you are going to work on before your next mock exam in December (e.g. time management; revising CSPs etc.)

Try to use more technics and understand the contexts

Statement of Intent: task

 Introduction  What will your new lifestyle magazine be called?  The lifestyle magazine will be called "La Rose." It's a name ...